What we do.

The House of Willows is a space for artists to create, collaborate, and grow together. We do this by curating community experiences, both online and in-person, that help artists increase their brand exposure and learn from fellow creatives.

Our artists.

Find the work of some of our featured artists on our Instagram page and be sure to support the incredible creatives in our community.

Our events.

Head on over to our calendar and join us at one of our upcoming events - as either an artist or a guest!

Our podcast.

The Willow Talk podcast is a space for artists of all backgrounds to learn and grow through honest, authentic conversations. Listen now.

Our team.

Our mission.

To serve grassroots creatives by cultivating a community that enables growth, networking, and emotional connection among like-minded individuals.

Our story.


Allie and Emma met back in 2013 while attending college in Boston, Massachusetts. They connected on their shared creative experiences, mindsets, and desire to do more with their art.

After school they drifted apart, only to reconnect a few years later. At that point in their lives, they had both taken strides to make the arts an integral part of their careers and daily lives.

Connecting through deeper conversations around their goals, challenges, and fears, they quickly found themselves leaning on each other for support and advice. They soon began collaborating on a variety of creative and marketing projects.

Their newly developed relationship had a deep impact on their individual growth and it wasn’t long before a unique idea clicked for both of them.

Space was needed for artists of all mediums and backgrounds to foster the same types of relationships that they had been so fortunate to build with one another.

And thus The House of Willows was formed.